Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diva Nation

So this past weekend during competition there was a young girl who was really stressed out. And crabby. And mouthing off to her mother. Normally, my job as a teacher gives me some leverage when I tell our students to be nice to their mothers – backstage can sometimes be really crazy and stressful, and I try to remind them that their moms are there to help and have paid a lot of money and invested a lot of time for them to dance. And they usually apologize and try harder to get through the rest of the day.
But this particular 8 year old LIVES AT MY HOUSE.

And at one point during the day it happened. I had a meltdown. Because nothing is worse than being the one with “that kid”. I am a good parent. I stay home with my kids. I volunteer at school and drive the carpool. I read and play games and take my kids on vacation to Disneyworld.  How can this be happening?? My beautiful daughter turned into a diva! In front of everyone! I mean, I’ve seen this happen to other people, but as the tears welled up in my eyes I realized that today it was definitely happening to me. And all eyes were on me as to how I was going to handle it.

So I sent her off with her aunts who made her see the error of her ways. And I took a much needed time-out. And she apologized, and we got through the rest of the day.  But I vowed in that moment to be much less judgmental when I see a kid throwing a tantrum at Target or having a meltdown in the grocery store. Because at the end of the day, sometimes it’s hard being 8, and kids don’t always know how to express their emotions properly. She’s a work in progress and that’s ok. I need to remember that it’s my job to help shape her into who she will be someday. But I guess I would prefer doctor over diva!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you just need to have a meltdown to see that things are not as bad as you thought:)
