Thursday, February 24, 2011

Me and My Memory

Although in my younger years I used to have an excellent memory most of the time, please don’t ask me when my children started crawling/walking, got teeth, or moved to a big bed.  I have no idea.  I usually try to joke about my “Alzheimer’s”, but in my 40’s it seems that my memory is getting worse every day.  Part of the reason I decided to start a blog was so that I could have some record going forward of important (or even just cute) things my children do in their lives.

When Emma was born I did the typical new mom thing and wrote everything down in her baby book; her doctor’s appointments, how much she weighed, etc. I wrote about her birthday parties, who was President and what she liked to play with best. And then the whirlwind of life took over. But I wasn’t worried because who doesn’t remember important things about their kids’ lives? Apparently, me. And don’t even get me started on Aiden – according to his baby book, he doesn’t even exist!

If it is not written in my planner or on my to-do list, it simply is not going to happen.
Anything from the old list that’s not crossed out goes on the new list. I have a grocery list, a list of home improvements, a list of books I’d like to read, etc. I admit to being completely Type A, so imagine the horror I feel when I know I’ve actually forgotten something really important.

So let me take a minute to publicly apologize here to my hairdresser for forgetting my appointment, to the student I stood up at the studio when I forgot our private lesson, and to my daughter for forgetting I promised to take her to see the Justin Bieber movie on President’s day. I really don’t do it on purpose. And when I tell you to text or email me to remind me, I really mean it. Because if I didn’t write it down in the 10 minutes after our conversation, I’ll be apologizing later on this blog for forgetting it!


  1. Hey Jen!
    All I can say is Amen sister!! Substitute your dance job for my...well...pick a job, and our lives are completely the same. My to-do list could be rolled out like some ancient scroll! Anyway, thanks for giving me my smile for the day and letting me know that I am not alone in this chaotic journey of motherhood! :-)
    Have a calm relaxing afternoon! HA!
    P.S. When can we plan our next trip to Disney again? Those darn commercials keep calling to me!

  2. Welcome to blog-world, Friend! I'm so glad to have another blog to be reading each day!! :)
