Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Cookies Are Coming!

The timing of starting this blog is ironic, because the biggest “forgetting” disaster to date actually happened on this very day last year. I am a volunteer for Emma’s brownie troop, and was a “cookie mom” last year, having to pick up and distribute more than 3000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  Because I have spent almost every Thursday night for the last 20+ years at the dance studio, having a Thursday night off is a little strange and sometimes hard to come by.  But since the cookie pick-up was earlier in the night, I agreed to come back to the studio later in the night to help with my choreography because it was a competition week.  And one of the other teachers was sick.

As I stood around with some of the other moms after all the cookies had been picked up, we agreed that after all of our hard work (and manual labor) that we indeed deserved a strong drink. And 15 minutes later we were having margueritas at Old Chicago! And I was having so much fun having “mom” time that I FORGOT to go back to the studio!! Really, truly, totally forgot and completely blew it off!

And when they called to see why I was running so late, I practically burst into tears! What kind of person FORGETS to go to work? And then the panic in my head started – Do I need medical attention? Am I really suffering from memory loss or is this just a fluke thing? That is also the day that I vowed to always write things down, and to never assume I would remember anything again!

I am a “cookie mom” again this year, and I am happy to report that I am off from the studio tonight.  And I will pick up the 3400 boxes of cookies that we sold and I will most likely have a marguerita when the night is over. Just without the panic attack!

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