Last week I had an ongoing, migraine like headache. I could not find anything specifically that I thought brought it on, but I realized with the pain in my neck and head, I probably had something that was out of line or some kind of pinched nerve. I tried resting and took way more than the recommended dose of Excederin, but nothing seemed to help so I called the chiropractor. With two weekends of back to back dance competitions looming, there is no way I could have functioned without some kind of intervention!
In the past I have used chiropractic and have always had good results. In fact, getting both an adjustment and a massage was a lifesaver for me when I was pregnant with Aiden. I was hoping this was just a simple thing and could be taken care of in 1 or 2 visits. Apparently, I was really messed up, as indicated by my scan, and still in a lot of pain even after 2 adjustments, so my chiropractor suggested I try acupuncture.
My initial thought was absolutely not – the idea of having needles stuck in my skin does not really sound like a good time!! But since this was seriously the most pain I have ever been in, I agreed to give it a try. I should mention that I am never sick – I maybe get a once-a-year sinus infection and I don’t even have a regular doctor of any kind. I’ve had two C-sections and that is essentially my health history.
Before the acupuncture they do a scan on you, pressing various pressure points to assess your “chi”. It’s basically the state your body is in, your “life force” or energy level. I know what you’re thinking, (the same thing my husband was), this is more than a little “out there”. But I learned something really surprising: I HAVE BAD “CHI”. In fact, I was kind of annoyed about it. How come I have bad chi? I have a great (albeit sometimes stressful) life, great kids – I’m not depressed or sick. I have a good quality of life, I take vacations, I have a roof over my head and food in the refrigerator. I don’t want to have bad “chi”!
So I went through with the acupuncture basically to cure my headache (I’ll spare you the details because I decided to keep my eyes closed the entire time!) and decided that although I will not be trying acupuncture again anytime soon (it’s not even covered by my insurance), I am going to try and improve the quality of my “chi”. After a little Google search, as of today I am vowing to:
- Eat more healthy foods
- Watch less TV and spend more time outside
- Have more color in my life
- Get a better nights sleep
At least that’s a start. I’ll keep you posted.
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